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Article originally Published:

September 8, 2022 | Craig Howell

WEIRTON – The City of Weirton is moving ahead with plans to apply for additional funding to assist with plans to construct an industrial access road through the Frontier Crossing development.

The city’s Finance Committee voted Wednesday to recommend a resolution authorizing City Manager Mike Adams to submit an application to the West Virginia Development Office for $700,000 from the Industrial Access Road Program. The resolution will be considered by city council during its meeting Monday.

Finance Director Diana Smoljanovich noted the city has applied for similar allotments from the road program in the past, and has been awarded funds at various times.

“We’ve gotten it before,” she said.

The Hancock County Commission approved a letter of support for the fund application during its Aug. 25 regular meeting.

According to the commission’s resolution, the funds are broken down into $400,000 in unmatched Industrial Access Road Program funds and $150,000 in matched funds.

Adams confirmed the Frontier Group of Companies, which is developing the former Weirton Steel property, will provide the match.

Earlier this year, a total of $4 million in Congressionally Directed Spending was awarded for the project, with $3 million going through the Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission and $1 million through Weirton.

Plans for the road include a corridor beginning in the area of Cove Road and Weir Avenue, entering the Frontier Crossings property on Lee Avenue and traveling north to the area which once housed Weirton Steel’s basic oxygen plant, crossing underneath state Route 2, and then heading west, eventually leading to Brown’s Island.

Ward 3 Councilman Fred Marsh, chair of the Finance Committee, asked if there was a timeline for the expenditure of the funds.

“We can apply every year, every year, every year,” Marsh said. “When does it expire?”

No known deadlines were discussed during Wednesday’s meeting.